Studying and Analyzing the Audit Expectations Gap Underlying International Standard on Auditing (ISA 300): Practical Study in the Federal Board of Supreme Audit


  • Ali Q. Al-Obaidi Department of Accounting and Financial Control, College of Business Economics, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Zainab A. Fouad Department of Accounting and Financial Control, College of Business Economics, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq



This paper aims to study and analyze the audit expectations gap that arises due to the difference between the potential expectations of the auditing profession and the actual performance of that profession. The study adopted a main hypothesis that state the adopting of comprehensive auditing strategy for practicing the auditing profession through adhering to the international planning standard for auditing and understanding the nature of the economic entity that subject Auditing before starting to perform the audit duty can contribute to improving the outcomes of the audit work and reducing, managing the audit gap effectively in a way that achieves the primary audit goal of the truth and fairness of the financial statements subject to audit and enhancing confidence in the outcomes of the audit work. The study provides efforts to improve compliance with international auditing standards, including the International Auditing Planning Standard. To achieve the research objectives and prove the validity of the study hypothesis, Federal Board of Supreme Audit was chosen as a research community and a group of 5 departments affiliated with the Office as a sample for the research. The research indicated that there are differences between audit expectations based on international auditing standards and the actual application of these standards in a group of departments affiliated with the Federal Board of Supreme Audit. The results showed that these gaps may be due to the lack of sufficient understanding of the standards, or the ability to apply them effectively by sample.

The study concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is that the research sample needs to address potential gaps in the application of auditing standards by enhancing educational processes and training programs and providing the necessary guidance to employees. Federal Board of Supreme Audit also needs to ensure that current policies and procedures are compatible with international auditing standards, as well as Monitoring and oversight efforts must be increased within the sample to ensure continued compliance with these standards. The study also recommended the necessity of updating policies and procedures based on international standards and implementing periodic audits to evaluate compliance with the standards.


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How to Cite

AL-OBAIDI, A., & Fouad, Z. (2023). Studying and Analyzing the Audit Expectations Gap Underlying International Standard on Auditing (ISA 300): Practical Study in the Federal Board of Supreme Audit. Entrepreneurship Journal for Finance and Business, 4(4), 184–201.



Research articles